Glass Art

Robert’s glass art work explores contrast, tension and the natural beauty of glass.

The light, colour and organic nature of glass are set against the weight of stone, the hardness of steel, the texture of rust, the threat of gravity. Shattered surface patterns on exquisitely finished forms, hard lines through soft textures; the tension creates dramatic sculptural statements.

The marriage of disparate or unlikely elements, sometimes stark, sometimes complex and multi-layered, can create a sophisticated balance, a strange harmony.

Robert is continually exploring, striving to uncover qualities intrinsic both in the glass and himself. This journey and its potential for new discovery help to heighten the impact of each artwork piece.

The Beauty of Glass Art


Wynne draws inspiration from painting, ceramics, and sculpture, the Surrealist movement and early twentieth century French glass. The textures and colours of the Australian landscape also appear throughout the work.

Wynne is uncomfortable in any particular genre or “style”, preferring to provoke and explore the fringes. He restlessly tries new finishes and approaches, using each major exhibition as an opportunity to explore new territory.


Shimmering surface treatments and more recently the rich opalescent effect of dichroic within the glass are significant features of Wynne’s work.

His use of tin oxide sprayed on the surface of vessels gives his sleek leaning vessels an art nouveau, peacock gleam. As Norris Ioannou, the noted historian of Australian studio glass, comments “The influences of art nouveau, especially Louis Tiffany …. is evident in his iridised vessels with their refinement of form, surface patterning and colouring.”

Surface decoration

Wynne’s glass work is characterised by its surface decoration, often extraordinarily detailed. Using different layers of colour in the glass surface, iridescent and metallic finishes and sophisticated sand-blasting techniques, he is able to create dramatic and striking effects.


Wynne often plays with gravity, creating large, beautiful glass vessels, leaning dangerously, tantalisingly beyond what they should, or so it seems. The tension draws the viewer and engages them; the effect is dynamic and exciting.